Guidelines for everyone and anyone who surfs at Namae 1 beach.
The beach entrance in front of Baru Surf is the main access to the surfing area. It is the responsibility of all surfers to keep this area clean and safe. Please take all of your trash from the beach, and also pick up any other trash that you see. We will have big beach cleaning events on special dates, such as International Surfing Day, as well as every Sunday.
Respect the local residents! Please maintain good manners and courtesy to all of the locals.
There are many elderly residents in this area and we should respect their area and be thankful that they have welcomed surfing into their community.
Baru Surf
1. We offer hot water if you need it for your Ramen or Coffee.
2. We keep the beach clean.
We do a beach clean every Sunday. We also have plastic bags for you to put your trash in.
3. No parasols or tents in the surf zone.
If you want to use a tent or parasol, please use the designated area north of Turtle Rock. This is an agreement made by the local businesses and residents to support the local summer business.
Please use the Baru Surf facilities when needed.
4. Military zone.
Do not go onto the beach after 10pm. This is a military controlled zone and soldiers patrol the beach every night. No one is allowed on the beach after 10pm.
5. Swimming is not allowed in the surfing zone in front of Baru Surf.
It is too dangerous for swimmers in the surf zone, so if you want to swim you should go up the beach to the designated area north of Turtle Rock.
6. Car Parking
There are many businesses and private houses along the beach-front, so we have created a designated car park just down the road from Baru. 50 meters south of the shop you will see and open dirt area. Please park there, as parking on the road creates traffic problems. The car park is open to everyone and has plenty of space.
7. Surfing skill level!
Please be aware of your own surfing and swimming ability. If you are a beginner, please take the advice of your instructor and other more experienced surfers. It can be dangerous for you and other surfers if you paddle out in the wrong place or in the wrong conditions. Ask about rips and currents. Conditions can change quickly and the ocean demands respect.
If there is a weather warning in place, you must take some extra steps before entering the water. If the weather warning is not severe, you will need to fill in a form for the local police. We will help you fill in this form in the shop.
If the weather warning is severe, then you are not allowed in the water at all, and you will be called out by the police.
We have gone to great efforts to create these designated surfing and swimming areas in order to benefit everyone during the summer.
Please respect these guidelines and help us keep positive relations with the local residents.
We want to help the local surf culture grow in a positive way.
We want co-operation with the local residents.
We want you to enjoy your surfing experience.
We want to surf as much as possible and have as much fun as possible.
Thank you for you co-operation.
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